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Cameron Brink Steph Curry

Stephen Curry and Cameron Brink: A Basketball Bond

A Friendship Forged in Davidson

From Alma Mater to WNBA Draft

NBA star Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors and WNBA rookie Cameron Brink, selected by the Los Angeles Sparks in the 2024 draft, share a unique bond that began in Davidson, North Carolina.

Cameron Brink, who was just eight years old when Curry graduated from Davidson, has always admired his game.

A Connection Revealed

Cameron Brink's Gratitude to Curry

During the recent WNBA draft, Brink expressed her gratitude to Curry and his family. The connection between them, she revealed, was deeper than many knew.

Brink's father, Greg, was an assistant coach at Davidson when Curry played there. Through this connection, Cameron and her family got to know Stephen Curry and his family personally.

Friendship and Mentorship

A Bond Beyond Basketball

Despite their age difference, Brink and Curry have developed a close friendship and mentorship.

Curry has provided Brink with invaluable advice and support throughout her basketball career, helping her overcome challenges and reach her full potential.

Conclusion: A Lasting Legacy

The bond between Stephen Curry and Cameron Brink is a testament to the power of friendship and mentorship. It shows that even the biggest stars are willing to give back and support the next generation of athletes.

As Cameron Brink embarks on her WNBA career, she carries with her the lessons learned from her mentor, Stephen Curry. His legacy will continue to inspire her and countless other young athletes to strive for greatness both on and off the court.
