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Angela Bofill Under The Moon And Over The Sky

Angela Bofill's "Under the Moon and Over the Sky" Soaring to New Heights

Remastered Classic Captivates Audiences Once Again

A Timeless Masterpiece Returns

Prepare for a musical journey that will uplift your spirits and take you soaring high above the clouds. Angela Bofill's iconic hit "Under the Moon and Over the Sky" has been meticulously remastered and released as part of her expanded "Angie" album. The beloved R&B ballad has captivated countless hearts since its initial release in 1978, and its latest incarnation is set to reignite the flame once again.

With its soaring melodies and heartfelt lyrics, "Under the Moon and Over the Sky" has become an anthem for love, hope, and the boundless possibilities of life. Bofill's ethereal vocals effortlessly glide over the lush orchestral arrangement, creating a soundscape that is both enchanting and empowering.

The remastered version of the song boasts exceptional clarity and depth, allowing listeners to fully appreciate the intricate nuances and subtleties of Bofill's performance. The updated production breathes new life into this classic, preserving its timeless essence while also enhancing its emotional resonance.

Whether you're a long-time fan of Angela Bofill or discovering her music for the first time, "Under the Moon and Over the Sky" is an unforgettable musical experience that will leave you yearning for the days when music truly moved the soul. Prepare to be swept away by this remastered masterpiece and let its soaring melodies guide you to new heights.
